We are building a more connected future

  • 300K+

    Active Users
  • 70+

    Country Coverage
  • 30+

    Network Partners
  • 25K+

    Social Followers

We believe in FREEdom

At Seeek, our journey began with a vision to bridge the digital divide and empower communities worldwide through accessible connectivity. Recognizing the transformative potential of free mobile data, we embarked on a mission to provide a platform where individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic background, could access the wealth of information available on the internet. In an era characterized by rapid technological advancement, we understood the critical role that internet connectivity plays in fostering education, innovation, and socioeconomic development. Therefore, we launched Seeek, a pioneering initiative that offers free mobile data network access to users, breaking down barriers to information and enabling widespread digital inclusion.

Through Seeek, we strive to unlock boundless opportunities for individuals and communities. Farmers, for instance, gain invaluable access to real-time weather forecasts and agricultural insights, empowering them to make informed decisions and safeguard their crops against adverse conditions. Additionally, school children can now continue their education from the comfort of their homes, accessing online resources, interactive learning platforms, and educational content regardless of geographical constraints or financial limitations. Furthermore, Seeek contributes to significant cost savings for users, eliminating the burden of expensive data plans and enabling them to allocate resources towards other essential needs. In a time of profound financial uncertainty and global challenges, Seeek serves as a beacon of hope, resilience, and progress, fostering digital equity and empowerment for all.

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24/7 Support

We have self serve help articles, email support and live chat available 24/7.

Please note due to extremely high demand, response times may currently be upwards of 24 hours. We are working as hard as we can to improve our response times.